High School Robotics Program

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2019-2020 VRC Tower Takeover Season


The Team

Annie Chen - Coder/Journalist/Strategist

Annie is an 11th grader and 2nd year member of the robotics team. She is the programmer and journalist of the team. Strangely, Annie codes better under stress, in other words, at competitions. She is quick at fixing code but also breaking the robot with code in general. Additionally, she works on the team’s engineering journal; recording down the build discussions and drawing sketches of mechanisms to the journal. Annie hopes to win many Excellence Awards with the journal and rank high in Skills in the global standings. Outside of robotics, she enjoys challenging herself with complex piano music and curling up with a good book.

Annie Chen

Hailey McNitt - Builder/Designer/Driver

Hailey is a 3rd year [Co.R.E.] member. She is currently in 10th grade, and fills the roles of driver, designer, builder, and part-time journalist. Her fingers move swiftly across the controller and is always surprising everyone with her time-buzzer wins. On top of her outstanding driving skills, Hailey makes her original designs a reality. Hailey also assist with the formation of the team’s engineering notebook. She takes delight in riding horses and repairing sewing machines at her grandparent's store apart from robotics.

Hailey McNitt

Hunter Aurelio - Designer/Builder/Strategist

Hunter is a 10th grader with 2 years of experience in robotics. Fulfilling several positions on the team, Hunter is a builder, strategist, designer, and scout. Hunter's goal for this season is to win semifinals at the VEX World Championship and to be known throughout New York State. When he's not at robotics, Hunter likes to play on his computer and hang out with friends. Hunter also likes to watch YouTube to get design ideas for our robot and see what our competitors can do. So Hunter never really leaves robotics, it's a part of his life.

Hunter Aurelio

Kaleigh Doyle - Designer/Coder/Strategist

Kaleigh is a 2nd year [C.o.R.E.] member. As a coder she makes sure that the autonomous are made smooth and efficient for a competition. Kaleigh also helps with the journal and serves as timekeeper during competitions. Outside of robotics, Kaleigh attends P-tech (a program that will give her bachelor's degree in mechanical or electrical engineering) and takes up horseback riding when not coding. Powered off of chicken tenders and almond milk, Kaleigh is very excited for this years game and can't wait to see what's next.

Kaleigh Doyle

Braiden Martin - Builder/Designer

Braiden is a 9th Grader and a first-year member of the [Co.R.E] Robotics team. He is a builder, designer, and occasionally helps out the coders by setting up the field. Even though this is Braiden’s first season in VEX Robotics, he has already proven himself mechanically as a builder. Braiden is always ready to help his teammates in anyway and takes up new skills rapidly. Outside of robotics Braiden plays football and baseball and is talented at creating designs in CAD/3D printing. He also likes to hang out with his dad.

Braiden Martin