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Sandy Creek Central School District

Comet Pride is Community-wide!
Monday February 17th, 2025

Office of the Superintendent

Our district is located in Northern Oswego County, with Lake Ontario on the western border and the vast Tug Hill Plateau on the eastern front. The twin villages of Sandy Creek and Lacona are located between Syracuse to the south and Watertown to the north. Our school district enjoys the advantages of rural living with the education and cultural opportunities of nearby larger cities.

The Sandy Creek Central School District provides educational programming to 800+ students in Pre-Kindergarten through the Twelfth Grade, grouped by grade level. An inclusion model is used across the district. Technology is at the fingertips of each Sandy Creek student with opportunities to expand.

The district is proud of its 95% graduation rate and the fact that many graduates continue in some form of post-secondary programming. The district offers state-of-the-art educational and athletic facilities to its students, staff and community.

Our Technology Staff has worked very hard to design a website that is easy to navigate and provide you with useful information. Thank you for visiting our website.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please contact the District Office at (315)-387-3445.


Kevin Seymour
Cora Harvey
Business Administrator
Steven Newcombe
HS/MS Principal
Timothy Filiatrault
Elementary Principal
James Hunt
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

Documents & Resources