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Saturday July 27th, 2024
Sandy Creek Central School District

Sandy Creek Central School District

Facilities/Buildings and Grounds Department

Mission Statement

"As the environmental guardians of this very special school facility, we commit to her maintenance at an operational standard which at times touches upon the extraordinary... the same standard that each of her students must be held."

Annual Fire Inspection Notice
for the 2023-2024 School Year
Notice is hereby given that the annual inspection for 2023-2024 of the Sandy Creek Central School District school buildings for fire hazards which might endanger the lives of students, teachers, employees therein, has been completed and the report thereof is available at the District Office at the Sandy Creek Central School District for inspection by all interested persons.

Annual Asbestos Notification
In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1987 (AHERA)
A copy of the Sandy Creek Central School building inspection report and management plan is available for review during business hours by appointment.
Please contact: Andrew Ridgeway at (315) 387-3445 ext. 1510 if you would like to set up an appointment or if you have any questions.

April 17, 2013

The New York State Senate passed Legislative Resolution No. 1197, sponsored by Senator Patty Ritchie
"Congratulating the Sandy Creek Central School District upon the occasion of being designated as one of the top five Energy Star Schools in Central New York."

(Click here to read the full resolution)

The Facility


Building Operator Certification (BOC/NEEC)-Level 1

· A. Ridgeway - 2006
· J. Vickery - 2018
· M. Shirley - 2022

Building Operator Certification (BOC/NEEC)-Level 2

· A. Ridgeway - 8/2008

Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) Certificate (School Facilities Management)

· A. Ridgeway - 5/2011

Certified Director of Facilities III (CDF)

·A. Ridgeway -10/2019

Affiliate Development Program (ADP) NYSSBGA
Affiliate Development Certification (ADC)

· A. Ridgeway - 10/2010

NYS Commercial Pesticide Applicator

· A. Ridgeway - 3 Year Renewal, Categories 3A and 7A
· J. Vickery - 3 Year Renewal, Categories 3A and 7A

NYS Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor

· A. Ridgeway - Annual Renewal

NFPA 70E - Electrical Arc Flash Training

· A. Ridgeway - 6/3/2015
·J. Vickery - 6/3/2015

"Energy Benchmarking Report for the Sandy Creek Central School District, Sandy Creek NY" (NYSERDA/TRC)
"Sandy Creek Central School District Energy Analysis: Final Report" (NYSERDA/BARTON & Loguidice, P.C.)
"Energy Saving Measures Report for Sandy Creek Central Schools" (NYSERDA/TRC)
"Information for Evaluating Potential Geo-Thermal Applications for the Sandy Creek Central School District" (Chris Ouderkirk/NYSERDA)
Master Energy Plan (Under Development with C&S Companies)

NYSERDA Platinum Award (Advanced Benchmarking Reward)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) "Energy Star Label" Award for 2009
Northwest Energy Efficiency Council (NEEC) 100% BOC Award (First School District in NYS to receive this award)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) "Energy Star Label" Award for 2010
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) "Energy Star Label" Award for 2011
The District received a "Lighting and Controls Incentive" rebate of $33,960.00 from National Grid
Sandy Creek Central School District becomes an Energy Star Partner with the Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) "Energy Star Label" Award for 2012

Contact Information
Andy Ridgeway
Director of Facilities III
(315)-387-3445 ext. 1510

Department Staff
Besio, Laura
Brown, Becky
Duerr, Sherrie
Harten, Debra
Phillips, Bishop
Reid, David
Shaw, Charlie
Steele, Leon
VanRy, Toni
Cleaner Helper
Ward, Joshua
Custodial Worker
Robbins, Keith
Shelmidine, Tammy
Harten, Beverly
Miller, Gerald
Maintenance Mechanic II
Vickery, Jason
Maintenance Worker
Shirley, Mackenzie