COVID-19 Resources

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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Sunday January 19th, 2025

COVID-19 Information & Resources


August 24, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The New York State Council of School Superintendents (NYSCOSS) released a statement on August 22, 2022 that perfectly summarizes the guidance that was released yesterday from the New York State Department of Health and from the New York State Education Department. This will allow school districts to operate much more efficiently, effectively, and consistently in supporting our students’ academic, social and emotional needs. That statement is below:

Yesterday, Governor Kathy Hochul and State Health Commissioner Mary Bassett held a briefing on State plans for dealing with COVID-19. Referencing the start of the last two school years, the Governor said, "This year we have a different scenario, different landscape and we're expected to have a much, much easier year for parents and for schools."

The Governor said that the State Health and Education Departments would release a letter to school officials outlining plans for managing COVID-19 for the coming school year and that the State is aligning its guidance that was issued by the Centers for Disease Control two weeks ago.

Here are some highlights:
• Students and staff exposed to COVID will not have to quarantine. People who were exposed to COVID-19 should follow CDC recommendations to wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days after the exposure and get tested.
• “Test to stay” will end—students will no longer be required to receive a COVID test if exposed to an infected person.
• Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days at home. Those with symptoms may resume attending school after 5 days if they are fever-free without fever reducing medicine for 24 hours and their symptoms are improving, and they wear a mask through day 10. CDC guidance indicates that people can use the test-based strategy outlined in its isolation guidance to potentially shorten the duration of post-isolation mask use.

Please read the FAQ on these points.
• Universal masking is not required at this time. Local health departments have authority to implement masking requirements.
• Schools will no longer be required to offer or conduct screening testing.
• Schools are not required to test unvaccinated staff.
• Schools are not required to report daily test results to DOH.
• Schools will not be required to conduct contact tracing.

If your child has symptoms, we suggest testing, but testing is not mandatory.

Sandy Creek will continue to provide interested parents with at-home COVID-19 test kits as they are provided from New York State. As a reminder, the School-Based Health Center is available in the event that a student needs attention due to health concerns.