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Saturday July 27th, 2024
Sandy Creek Central School District

Sandy Creek Central School District

Special Education

Sandy Creek is dedicated to the philosophy of inclusion. The original model of inclusive service delivery was piloted at the middle school level in 1989. By 1995, all students needing special education supports were being included in general education classrooms. Although the program has experienced various philosophical and structural challenges since its inception, it has evolved.

• Two basic tenets have provided the foundation on which the program is built and have driven decision-making process for all students. When a student arrives at the door, the teachers and staff at Sandy Creek assess strengths and needs and begin to develop a plan for how they will bring the tools to the student to move him or her ahead with their same age peers, rather than look at where the student might be "sent."

• Sandy Creek looks at inclusion as a right to which the student is entitled, not something the student must earn. While the teachers and staff admit that is often a tough road to navigate and challenges regularly appear, they hold true to the notion that if you remember to return to your basic tenets you will eventually succeed and conquer even the most demanding obstacles.

For more information visit the NYSED Website on Special Education @

Kim Manfredi
Special Education/CSE Chair
(315)-387-3445 ext. 1910
Kevin Seymour
(315)-387-3445 ext. 1910