Sandy Creek Central School District
Comet Pride is Community-wide!Presidential Debate
May 20th, 2016 by Nathan Grinnell
A lot of people are mentioning or arguing about the candidates this year. Mostly with the Hillary emails and Trump's "offensive" things he tends to say. Most things that people tend to say about this are what comes from the media so not the important facts as in what they plan to do when they are in office.
Donald Trump, a candidate that sparks a lot of public debate, mostly with his "wall" and his famous slogan: "Make America Great Again!"Immigration is a big point in Trump's debate as so most people don't see the image he is trying to create. Donald Trump States "As has been stated continuously in the press, people are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants. This must be stopped and it must be stopped now." If your opinion is what he is doing is right or not it's up to you. Some people say that the rich don't pay or use loop holes to avoid taxes, in some cases this is correct. And because of Trumps wealth some say that he is with the "rich" that do not pay their fair share. What Trump has said to this is so, "I try and pay as little tax as possible, because I hate what they do with my tax money. I hate the way they spend our money." Now you can say his reasoning is sound or just a scapegoat to something else entirely.
"Feel the Burn!" is a common slogan or pitch towards Bernie Sanders. Now to keep this fair I will also only talk about Bernie's plan for immigration and taxes." As president, I will fight for comprehensive immigration reform that provides a roadmap to citizenship for the 11 million aspiring Americans living in this country. But I will not wait for Congress to act. I will take executive action to accomplish what Congress has failed to do and build upon President Obama's executive orders to unite families". This plan is entirely different from Trump's perspective trying to unite Mexican-American children whose parents are immigrants and they are not. He also wants to make it easier for immigrants to get American citizenship. Bernie's plan for taxes is this: "we have to tax Wall Street speculation. When you see the rich's effective tax rates is lower than the effective tax rates of truck drivers, then the wealthy have got to pay more. We'll end the loophole that allows large corporations to stash their money in the Cayman Islands and avoid paying federal income taxes. We'll raise the estate tax so that billionaires end up paying more in taxes". See this combats and agrees with Trumps statement; Bernie is going to try to fix the problem of bad tax money spending and wants the richer to pay more instead of using loopholes I mentioned before.
Like I said I'm just providing facts and quotes if you think that a certain someone should become president that's fine it's your right (when your 18) but just know the facts and not take rumors as facts always assume rumors are false rather than true my fellow Creeker.