Middle School Student Council

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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Middle School Student Council

October 27th, 2016 by Shelby German

Middle School Student Council cover photo

The Middle School student council seems to have more efficiency this year with their leaders, meetings a more. Mrs. Curley has said that officers, Hailey Miller-president, Annie Chen-vice president, Sam Ranieri- secretary and Matt Trudell- treasurer, has advanced on their technology this year using Google Drive and others to make their communication better. The Middle School student council has decided when putting on the Harvest dance Friday, October 28th from 6pm to 8pm, to use Spotify music app instead of getting a DJ and to have prizes for best costumes instead of dressing up, Mrs Curley stated "we're using our resources and staying within the school now". Monday, October 31st, the MS Student Council will also be participating in the trick off the street helping out the Softball coaches doing the pluck-a-duck game from 5pm to 7pm. The Middle School Student council has gotten off to a good start with putting together the dance and using technology to communicate.
