What You Missed

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What You Missed

October 27th, 2016 by Abbey Fitzpatrick

What You Missed cover photo

About every morning for the past couple months, when you turn on your television to a news station or open up to any news website the headlines are usually about either something Trump or Clinton said or didn. (insert some slight thing most people don't really care about here). Most media outlets in the United States have been focusing entirely on the 2016 election. Focusing entirely is almost an understatement, the media is practically obsessed with election and every movement the candidates make. Here's some updates:

1. United States Forces Fighting Overseas ISIS w/ Iraqi Military
For the past few weeks U.S "consultants" have been over in Iraq "consulting" with Iraqi military to fight ISIS radicals in the Middle East. ISIS has been moving around the Middle East, bombing and taking over towns.The U.S "consultants" have been helping Iraqi and other nations fight ISIS forces.

2. Vatican Changes View on Modern Cremation and Spreading Ashes
The Vatican is now changing its view on the way people of the Christian faith deal with death. Essentially, the Vatican is saying that some of the modern ways of cremation and spreading ashes does not follow the old beliefs about death with the church. The Vatican also came up with new "guidelines" that follow the beliefs on death "correctly".

3. U.S Military Forcing Veterans to Pay Back Reenlistment Bonuses
In 2006, the U.S was at war with Iraq and Afghanistan. During that time, the U.S military had offered bonuses to any retiree who reenlisted. This would seem to be a good deal, but in fact there was a catch in this proposition. The bonuses were only for reenlisted veterans with specific assignments. Apparently someone felt the need to falsify these claims. In 2011, retired Master Sgt. Toni Jaffe, pleaded guilty to filing false claims worth $15.2 million. Today, veterans are being forced to repay these bonuses even though some of them went to war overseas and some more people also got injured when they reenlisted.

4. Oil Spill in Oklahoma
Earlier this week, there was an oil spill at a strange hub from the Seaway Crude Pipeline Co. in Oklahoma. It has reportedly only spilled less than 50,000 barrels of oil and it's under control. This particular storage hub is one of the biggest in the world, which also has a second pipeline still running without any problems. The clean up is going well, and the environment should recover completely
5. The Future of Obamacare
Recently, the Obama administration has released its plans for Obamacare in 2017. One of the major changes that is going to happen is that there is going to be a 22% increase on Obamacare premiums, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. The reason for this is because most of the people who have Obamacare are sicker than what affiliated insurance companies estimated. Fortunately, about 85% of Obamacare enrollees receive federal subsidies; this reduces the price that the enrolled people pay. Another change that is coming is that some insurance companies/carriers are not going to be with Obamacare anymore so this will restrict some people from being able to receive the benefits of Obamacare.

As a nation, we have missed a lot of important events that affect a plethora of people. Although the election is very important, I think that the media should still keep the country updated on other events since some of the events that have occurred obviously have impacted a great amount of people in the country.
