Hunting and Fishing

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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Hunting and Fishing

May 20th, 2016 by Sterling Coles

Hunting and Fishing cover photo

Hunters and Fishermen of Sandy Creek, some of you may already know that Turkey Hunting begins the first of May. Trout season has just opened in April, and Walleye season opens the first Saturday of May (May 7th this year). Although this winter has been long and dragged out, like normally in New York, the rivers are rushing from melting snow, still very cold from the weather. This spring, I haven't seen many turkeys, although others say they have. The hatchery is starting to stock the rivers, starting in the Adirondacks, coming this way. Make sure to wear your life jacket from November 1st to May 1st if your vessel is 16 feet or less in length. Catch those trout and make sure to be safe while hunting and fishing! Good luck
