New teachers and leadership at SCCS for 2016-17

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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New teachers and leadership at SCCS for 2016-17

September 1st, 2016 by Lani Camp, Public Relations

New teaching and leadership in the Sandy Creek Central School District stopped for a photo during orientation in preparation for the start of the school year.
New teaching and leadership in the Sandy Creek Central School District stopped for a photo during orientation in preparation for the start of the school year.

Teachers and staff were on hand for Teacher Orientation Day in the Sandy Creek School District in preparation for the 2016-17 school year. Pictured are some of the new staff members welcomed at the orientation. Left to right are: Christina Weaver, Elementary and Middle School Art; Brittany Whitten, Elementary Reading; Sandra Shibley, Special Education; Mary Kubacki, 2nd Grade; Kristen Dingman, Elementary Math; Kyle L. Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools; Diane Haumann, High School; Judy Allen, 2nd Grade; Tricia Thomas, 3rd Grade; Stephanie Sherman, 2nd Grade; Sarah Orr, 3rd Grade; and Nicole Tritten, Special Education.