2013-2014 District Calendar Update

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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2013-2014 District Calendar Update

March 12th, 2014 by Stewart R. Amell - Superintendent of Schools

2013-2014 District Calendar Update cover photo

Dear Parent/Guardians,
Due to extreme winter weather conditions, the District has used more than our usual emergency days. Because of this, the 2013-14 school district calendar has been revised with the following:
Friday, March 21 and Monday, April 21, 2014 will no longer be recess days

There will be school for students in grades Pre-k through 12

Using the above measures, the District still has one (1) remaining emergency day. If this remaining day is used and there is a need to use another emergency day(s) prior to April recess, we will need to begin taking away April recess days. For each additional day used, a day from April recess will become a student attendance day.
To Clarify: If 2 Emergency Days are used prior to April recess, Monday, April 14, 2014 will no longer be a recess day and students and staff will be in attendance.
If 3 Emergency Days are used prior to April recess, Tuesday, April 15, 2014 will no longer be a recess day and students and staff will be in attendance.
This process will continue until April recess is exhausted.
If such measures are necessary, notice regarding exact dates will be given to parents and guardians.
Also, please be reminded of the following:
The Drama Department presentation of “Oliver” will begin at 6:00 pm (instead of previously posted 7:00 pm) on Friday, March 14 and Saturday March 15, 2014. Should you have additional questions please contact your building principal.
Stewart R. AmellSuperintendent of Schools