04.20.2020: Updates on NY Pause, continuity of learning

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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Monday February 17th, 2025

04.20.2020: Updates on NY Pause, continuity of learning

April 20th, 2020 by Brandon Wood, Public Relations

04.20.2020: Updates on NY Pause, continuity of learning cover photo

As a result of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's Pause Plan, school buildings will remain closed through May 15 and would tentatively re-open May 18.

During this time, we will continue to provide meal deliveries on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Though buildings are closed, instruction is moving forward virtually and with packets. In order for students to return completed hard copies of work, please put materials labeled with your child's name and grade level in the bin near the flagpole located in the school bus loop. To follow social distancing guidelines and safety measures, we only want completed work returned that teachers need for grading and/or feedback purposes. Please communicate with classroom teachers before dropping materials off at school.

Please be reminded that you are welcome to come to the school parking lot near the gymnasium and use the districts WIFI as needed.

The above was also sent out via a phone call message from Superintendent Kyle Faulkner the morning of Monday, April 20, 2020.