05.11.2020: Retrieve student belongings on Saturday, 5/16

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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05.11.2020: Retrieve student belongings on Saturday, 5/16

May 11th, 2020 by Brandon Wood, Public Relations

05.11.2020: Retrieve student belongings on Saturday, 5/16 cover photo

Since students will not be returning to campus, we have put in place an opportunity for families to safely retrieve their child's or children's personal belongings.

On Saturday, May 16, between 8 a.m. and noon, we will allow parents or older students from each family to come to the High School Gym to pick up their personal belongings. Every student's personal belongings from their locker, cubby, desk, etc., has been carefully collected and placed inside a plastic bag labeled with their name and grade.

Please park in the HS lot and come to the main gym entrance. We will be following CDC and social distancing guidelines, so please wear a mask and stay six feet apart.

Additionally, all of your child's medications need to be picked up, these medications will not be stored over the summer. If the medications are not picked up, they will be discarded. Please make every effort to pick up these medications from the HS gym Saturday. Medications can only be picked up by the parent/lawful guardian of the student.

Returning instruments
Any students with a school-issued instrument should return it. There will be a designated area for returning instruments near the entrance to the HS Gym as well on Saturday morning.

Library Books
Library books can also be dropped off this Saturday. There will be a container at the HS gym for you to drop in your library books. You may also return library books to our drop box near the flagpole anytime. We would like library books returned by the end of May if at all possible.

We hope to see many of you on Saturday. Stay safe and healthy.