06.16.2020: Updates on last day, meals, library books

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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06.16.2020: Updates on last day, meals, library books

June 16th, 2020 by Brandon Wood, Public Relations

06.16.2020: Updates on last day, meals, library books cover photo

The following information was sent via robocall to Sandy Creek families on June 16:

On Wednesday, June 17, we will be delivering meals as usual and there will be a produce box delivered to each family as well. These produce boxes are donations from the CNY Food Bank.

The last day of school will be Thursday, June 18. Meals will continue next week with the last delivery on Thursday, June 25.

We are still looking for many library books, please return them to our drop box this month.

Lastly, any textbooks that students have can be returned to the drop box as well beginning June 18. Thank you and stay safe!