Peek at the Creek Archives - Page #19

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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Monday February 17th, 2025

Peek at the Creek

Featured Article


by Mr.Ferguson (advisor)

2016-2017 Peek at the Creek Staff:

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Mr Ferguson (Advisor)


Wants vs. Needs

March 5th, 2017 by MacKenzie Kwak

In Los Olivos, California, lies Midland school - an academy whose founder aimed to do away with society's common need to "keep up with the Jones'," and instead created a self-sufficient institution. Aside from ordinary classes, a Midland student's schedule consists of collecting and chopping firewood (to heat the showers and cabins), growing food, and preparing meals...
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JV Volleyball

March 5th, 2017 by Lainie Hathway

The JV girls work hard at practice everyday and mesh well. Captain, Maddie Bauer, said, "The team has bonded a lot through the season...
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Modified Wrestling

March 5th, 2017 by Madison Bauer

The Sandy Creek Modified Wrestling team had a very successful season this year. The team consisted of a mixture of 7th to 9th graders...
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March 5th, 2017 by Shelby German

Have you ever heard the announcements when they say what the lunch is, or look on the school website in the morning and just get that disgusted feeling? Whether it's hot dogs, cheeseburger, or whatever grosses you out and you just dread eating lunch that day? I do too, I've always hated the lunches at Sandy Creek, then I went down and talked to our lunch ladies. The ladies that work in our cafeteria get to school around 6 in the morning to start prepping for breakfast, most of us are still sleeping at that time...
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Varsity Wrestling

March 5th, 2017 by Madison Bauer

The Sandy Creek Varsity Wrestling Team coached by William Benedict had an overall amazing season and will continue to be victorious throughout the rest of their season. With and overall record of 11-4 , and an impressive rank of #4 in section 3...
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About Peek at the Creek

Welcome to the new, on-line version of Peek at the Creek (PATC).

PATC is an inclusively student run, reported, and edited publication, made up of dedicated individuals. We are now celebrating 11 years of serving SCCS. The newspaper staff creates four complete editions throughout the school year.

We hope that you enjoy the following articles and keep checking back with us for additions and updates.

-Mr. Ferguson (PATC Advisor)

Contact Information

Rob Ferguson
(315)-387-3445 ext 1910
Order PreK-12th grade Yearbook