Peek at the Creek Archives - Page #34

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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Monday February 17th, 2025

Peek at the Creek

Featured Article


by Mr.Ferguson (advisor)

2016-2017 Peek at the Creek Staff:

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Mr Ferguson (Advisor)


History Club

March 8th, 2016 by Nate Grinnell

History club is directed by Ms.Elderbroom...
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XC Ski

March 8th, 2016 by Kate Hanni

How many people knew that Sandy Creek had a cross country ski team? Well, for those who did not know, it is probably because only one person from Sandy Creek is on the ski team. The lone skier, is senior Emily Cheney...
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Science Club News

March 8th, 2016 by Abbey Fitzpatrick

Over the late fall and early winter, the Science Club has been participating, and doing an assortment of things. This past November, some members of the club visited an "Earth Ship" in Adams, which is a house that is made of sustainable materials like tires, wine glasses, and soup cans, as well as other similar materials...
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March 8th, 2016 by Jesse Cornell

The 2015 Semi-Formal was a great success for the Junior Class. With the help of Taila Hatch, Lindsey Goodnough, and John McGrew, the Junior Class officers filled the elementary cafeteria with decorations reflecting a Christmas Theme...
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March 8th, 2016 by Jesse Cornell

From being a fellow player of the Ontario Bay Varsity Hockey association since 8th grade; I have noticed two characteristics that seem to be suitable to describe all skaters on the team, insistence and adamance. Two adjectives that explain the team's entire season...
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About Peek at the Creek

Welcome to the new, on-line version of Peek at the Creek (PATC).

PATC is an inclusively student run, reported, and edited publication, made up of dedicated individuals. We are now celebrating 11 years of serving SCCS. The newspaper staff creates four complete editions throughout the school year.

We hope that you enjoy the following articles and keep checking back with us for additions and updates.

-Mr. Ferguson (PATC Advisor)

Contact Information

Rob Ferguson
(315)-387-3445 ext 1910
Order PreK-12th grade Yearbook