News Archives - Page #20

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Sandy Creek Central School District

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Today is B day, Thursday January 16th, 2025

District News

Mindfulness Class Encourages Physical and Emotional Fitness

November 5th, 2018 by Lani Camp, Public Relations

Sandy Creek High School has a new elective course that brings a wide range of mindfulness to students at the school... Continue reading ›

Share Your Care message resonates with students

November 5th, 2018 by Lani Camp, Public Relations

Andy Thibodeau recently visited the Sandy Creek Central School District where he shared his Share Your Care message with students and parents in several assemblies... Continue reading ›

Hovercraft project puts STEM in action at Sandy Creek

October 11th, 2018 by Lani Camp, Public Relations

Sandy Creek sixth graders were flying around the gymnasium on Monday as they piloted hovercrafts in an exciting project-based learning experience... Continue reading ›

Sandy Creek students participate in butterfly tagging to track Monarch migration

September 25th, 2018 by Lani Camp, Public Relations

Why do Monarch butterflies migrate from Upstate New York to a small geographic region in mountainous Central Mexico? How do they find their way there and how doe their offspring find their way back to the Sandy Creek area? These are some of the many questions that scientists have been asking and students at Sandy Creek Elementary School are helping to answer... Continue reading ›

Changes to district website!

September 25th, 2018 by Lani Camp, Public Relations

The Sandy Creek Central School District has been hard at work revamping and updating their website, including transitioning to a new website address... Continue reading ›

Sixth grade orientation well attended

September 11th, 2018 by Lani Camp, Public Relations

Sixth graders and their parents attended a special orientation where students learned about the expectations and opportunities for them as they move up to the middle school in the Sandy Creek Central School District... Continue reading ›

Kindergartners come together for Sundaes with Smiles

September 11th, 2018 by Lani Camp, Public Relations

Kindergarten students in the Sandy Creek Central School District came together the week before opening day of school for an opportunity to find their classrooms, meet their classmates, teachers and principal, and on top of all that, they could enjoy a delicious sundae with all of the fixings... Continue reading ›